More Puppies!
We were not looking for a dog. We vowed that our next pup was going to be an older rescue dog. Oops! Meet Huck!

August 6, 2022
[More Puppies!] There used to be this TV commercial. It centered on a little girl who would shout out for "More puppies!" and a whole pile of puppies would engulf her. And then, giggling, she would ask for even "MORE puppies!!!" only to be nearly buried by a squirming mass of wonderful. I searched everywhere online for that commercial but failed. Monica and I often use that phrase when articulating our personal version of paradise. In the meantime, two pups—one old and one a true puppy—will have to suffice for our more modest but equally wonderful paradise.
Welcome to the family, Huck! (Short for Huckleberry, of course.) Huck is 13 weeks old (born April 25, 2022), already 26lbs, and ready to take on the world!
What? A puppy? Are you crazy?
Yes. But. But. . . . Look at those eyes! (We're suckers.)
We had long repeated that we would adopt an older dog when ready. And we would probably wait until Lady, our current, elderly, and cancer-ridden dog, had passed on. But sometimes, serendipity intervenes.
A very dear friend, who I had known since childhood, fosters rescue dogs. A week ago, she posted a photo of her most recent foster. When I saw him, I did a double-take because he's the spitting image of our long-lost wonder-pup, Jester (see photos below). I tagged Monica in the post's comments, and, well, you can surmise what happened. We did go back and forth with the decision (adopting a puppy is not a decision you make on a whim). And we talked to Renee about his demeanor, history, and whatnot . . .
Well, here he is! He's fearless. He's adorable (of course). And he approaches every new step in this journey like it is an adventure. (I can learn a lot from Huck).
Just when we thought our lives were becoming less complicated, we toss in a new puppy!
Jester. The greatest dog to walk this earth.
Is Huck the second incarnation? Perhaps. We'll let you be the judge.