
Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle.
―Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Errant Ruminant*
. . . the official web presence for Todd Warner.

Todd and his wife Monica live on and farm a small homestead in North Carolina (USA). When not chasing errant beasties and mending fences, they both serve as real estate brokers operating throughout the Raleigh-Durham region. Additionally, Todd continues to dabble in various technical (computer) projects, all the while striving to carve out some time to write.† Alas, the writing often gets short shrift as he commonly finds himself distracted by the responsibilities associated with wide-open acreage, fitful weather, and, of course, errant ruminants.
This site is intended to capture at least some of that activity.
Read my ruminations (blog), which can also be filtered by tags and topics.
If you wish to contact Todd, please review the details found here.
Curriculum vitae minimus
farm ~ hack ~ write ~ real estate
- Writer:
for me: poetry, prose (essay, memoir, fiction), journaling, blogging
for others: editing, freelance, and for a regional literary journal - Farmer, Tandem Farms: honey bees, poultry, ruminants, a smidge of gardening
- Real Estate Broker, Tandem Realty: helping people buy and sell homes
- Tech Contributor: hacking, documentation, packaging, and other open-source technical dabblings
- Soldier, US Army: tanker, OD green, 1ea
- Tech Drone: corporate coding, engineering management, product management, technical sales, documentation, marketing
- Journalist/Columnist, fintech magazine: biweekly columnist
Publications, Works in Progress, Blogs‡
Submissions, Works in Progress, Blogs

—works currently seeking publication
- Flash Fiction: "Stormbreak"
- Photo: "After the Rain" — ACCEPTED — cover art for upcoming County Lines literary journal (vol 12)

—novel, status: 1st draft ~50% complete
Premise/Logline: With the world on the brink of collapse, a North Carolina farmer endures a terrible tragedy only to have responsibility thrust upon him in the form of a girl on the run.

Miscellaneous Works in Progress
—works currently in draft
- Short Fiction: "Vulture"
- Short Fiction (horror): "A Picnic in the Park"
- Short Memoir: "The Five-Second Rule" - so many rejections (re-editing)
- Poetry: … a number of poems
- Novel: Saeculum (see above)

Ruminations (blog)
Personal—whatever scratches my itch
Todd's musings and ruminations—a reflective, instructive, prescriptive, and (hopefully) constructive blog covering . . . all the things.
A topic-oriented view of the blog can be found here: tags and topics.

Makin' Hay (blog)
Farming, food, agriculture, the environment
Farm stories and perspectives . . . Tandem Farms.
Works Published

Ruminations (blog), 2024
a selection of posted creative works
- Nov 31, Halloween - Flash Folklore: "The Moon-Eyed People of Appalachia"
- Apr 17 - Poem: "Crepuscular Dreams"
- Feb 26 - Article: "Panster-Friendly Story Planning"
- Jan 23 - Poem: "Adrift"

Ruminations (blog), 2023
a selection of posted creative works
- Dec 21 - Existential musings after almost two years of mourning: "Life and Loss"

County Lines, vol 11, 2024
—published, Dec 03, 2023, ISBN 9798864205518 - (Amazon)
County Lines is a well-respected literary journal published by the Carolina Piedmont Literary Guild. I was honored to have my work included in this marvelous anthology.
- Short-short Fiction: "That Guy"
- Poem: "Amanda Takes the Stage"
- Poem: "Adrift"
- Poem: "Why and What For?"

Ruminations (blog), 2022
a selection of posted creative works
- Dec 25 - Eulogy for Carol Warner: "My Mother, In Memoriam"
- May 18 - Eulogy for Lawrence Warner: "Grass. Sweat. Tractor."

County Lines, vol 10, 2023
—published, Oct 17, 2022, ISBN 9798356027246 - (Bookshop), (Amazon)
County Lines is a well-respected literary journal published by the Carolina Piedmont Literary Guild. I was proud to have my personal narrative included in their 10th-anniversary volume.
- Short Memoir: "Date Night: Misadventures in Teen Romance"

County Lines, vol 7, 2020
—published, Dec 1, 2019, ISBN 9781700507600 - (Amazon)
County Lines is a well-respected literary journal published by the Carolina Piedmont Literary Guild. I was honored to have two of my poems included in this marvelous anthology.
- Poem: "Crepuscular Dreams"
- Poem: "That Dog"

Ruminations (blog), 2019-2021
a selection of posted creative works
- 2021, Oct 11 - Article: "Ruminations on Scouting"
- 2020, Jul 13 - humorous fever dream: "What the Hell, Will?"
- 2019, Nov 28, Thanksgiving - Article: "Mutton, Capons, Culled Beef, and Spent Hens"
Errant Ruminant / ˈɛɹənt ˈru mə nənt /
- an individual who strives to break free from the flock, venturing out on their own—if even only for a moment—in search of something better, unique, more meaningful, or fulfilling
- a deep yet original thinker
- a particularly adventurous sheep, goat, cow, or deer
Though Todd Warner can sometimes be found typing away in various cafes and libraries scattered throughout the North Carolina Piedmont, you can often find him tied to his writer's desk at home on the farm. If you wish to contact Todd, please review the contact details found [here].
Missing from this list are the gobs of corporate work I have performed (marketing and technical writing), as well as the articles written during my stint as a columnist for a small fintech publication.