You know the dream. The one where you're in line somewhere, maybe the Super Target™ or a grocery store. A busy day. People everywhere. Only then do you realize you are buck-ass naked—not a stitch of clothing. This was kinda like that. A twisted little tale. Personally, I blame Will.
#Cutenessoverload has commenced. Or as we like to say, Lambwatch! For the next month, about 20 ewes (sheep mothers) will be giving birth. It is a month of no sleep and emergency interventions. And lots and lots of cute!
Older dogs can be exceptionally sweet, but they will inevitably require special care and attention. Since they can't talk to you, you really need to see the signs of aging and reward their lifetime of service with patience and understanding. In this case, the challenges are all mental.
Plenty of tools exist that support the writing process. Let me describe what works for me and how I use them.
The argument for two spaces between sentences in modern writing is akin to refusing to turn off caps lock when texting or sending an email. Or to butcher Orwell, "One space good, two spaces bad."
When does a decade begin and end? Answer: whereas a decade can reference any ten years, THE decade is a period spanning years "xxx0" to "xxx9". In fact, a new decade has just begun. But some confuse the beginning and ending years. If so, they are usually victims of a very common logic error.
The Bullet Journal Method is a simple, straight-forward, highly-effective, flexible methodology for bringing order to your life. Let me walk you through my basic setup for 2020.
You are a poet if you write poetry, but validation in the form of publication is a real treat. And guess what? I am now a published poet!
As diverse as our food _seems_ to have become, in most respects our food choices have become far poorer, blander, and devoid of variety when compared to what was available in the past.
Writing a novel is hard. It is the writing community's marathon. But NaNoWriMo is a unique event that galvanizes the writing community and generates a creative energy that you, as a writer, can tap into to help propel your story forward. And yes maybe, write that novel. It certainly helped me.
Government bureaucracy is a complicated machine with the workers who make up the component parts merely cogs of an uncaring master.
The dash family of punctuation—minus, hyphen, en dash, em dash, and more.