The Moon-Eyed People of Appalachia
What dwells in those dark and secret places where the sun dims to dusk, and all is swallowed in shadow. || Flash Folklore / Campfire Story
A collection of 19 posts
What dwells in those dark and secret places where the sun dims to dusk, and all is swallowed in shadow. || Flash Folklore / Campfire Story
A poem.
Writing is hard. It's even more difficult if we spiral down a rabbit hole of wasteful exploratory churn. Fortunately, modest planning techniques can help pilot the narrative back on course, no matter the medium: corporate presentation, how-to manual, flash fiction, novel, memoir, or even a sonnet.
A poem.
In memoriam, Carol Marie Colombo Warner, June 18, 1941 to November 14, 2022. Delivered as spoken eulogy on December 17, 2022, Hope Lutheran Church, Cranberry Twp, Butler, PA. by Todd Warner. (Note: originally 'Adrift. Untethered.' Title changed to avoid conflict with a similarly titled poem.)
In memoriam, Lawrence Omar Warner, September 29, 1939 to January 21, 2022. Delivered by Todd Warner as spoken eulogy on May 15, 2022.
I earned my Eagle Scout award in 1987. Those years seem so long ago, yet my scouting experience still impacts me in a very real way. Those were my formative years—good years surrounded by good people who helped make me . . . me.
I needed a cheatsheet for citing social media sources. The CMoS has a LOT to say on the topic, but is also rather lacking in crystal-clear examples for typical scenarios. And many of the examples online are either wrong or out of date. ∴ I made this and then decided to share it with y'all.
More musings on the English language. In this second entry on the topic, we focus on the spelling trainwreck that is the English language.
You know the dream. The one where you're in line somewhere, maybe the Super Target™ or a grocery store. A busy day. People everywhere. Only then do you realize you are buck-ass naked—not a stitch of clothing. This was kinda like that. A twisted little tale. Personally, I blame Will.
Plenty of tools exist that support the writing process. Let me describe what works for me and how I use them.
The argument for two spaces between sentences in modern writing is akin to refusing to turn off caps lock when texting or sending an email. Or to butcher Orwell, "One space good, two spaces bad."